2020 Insight

With the beginning of each year, some of us resolve to do something better,  change a habit, or learn a new skill.  A few social media groups began the year with “resolution” challenges, such as, finishing 20 projects in 2020 or stitching for 20 minutes each day. The latter, 20 minutes each day, is my commitment for this year and I began stitching a Nativity stocking. It is slow going and I have taken-out as much as I have stitched, but this choice is my preference because I want to enjoy the journey and not worry about a grand total for the year.

Why not offer encouragement to stitching friends as they share their progress?  Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, a stitch group, or a blog, there are plenty of avenues to cheer our fellow stitchers and even learn from their experiences. 2020 can be an opportunity to be a piecemaker and a peacemaker.  I would love for this to be the year of “saying and doing something nice.”

2020 offers insight for Needleworks. We begin our 20th year in business, and yet, we want to still create innovative assembly methods, evaluate our services, and graciously care for our clients. We are excited about the opportunities we have in 2020 to build our products and services, and we invite you to be part of our team.  Have a wonderful year creating your best year!