April 21, 2021

Important News

To Our Valued Customers and Friends,

As of today, Needleworks has received 95% of what we will be able to finish in 2021.  We have never received this number of pieces so early in the year!

Our 2022 calendar will begin May 1st.   Exceptions to the May 1st deadline include Christmas stockings and belts, which we will accept until August 16, 2021.

Although product delays and supplier shutdowns affected turnaround times in 2020, our finishers completed all the pieces turned in by last August’s deadline. Commitment and dedication – both ours and yours! – were hallmarks of last year.

Our turnaround time for finishing in 2021 is greater than anticipated. Many items are finished in 90-120 days, but others are in-process longer due to our increased number of pieces and availability of components and products. This year, our finishers requested that we maintain a workload that is fair and reasonable for their lives.

We have all suffered consequences of this pandemic (tangible and intangible) in our own ways, and those who stitch have been grateful to have needlepoint to get them through tough times. During the pandemic, we experienced the blessing of longstanding support, compassion, collaboration and kindness of the needlepoint community and could not have continued our business without this cooperation. We are grateful for your support as we continue business at the curbside and with video calls, and we know we could not have done it without your encouragement, patience and understanding.

We welcome your questions and suggestions and thank you for your cooperation.

Visit us at the curb

To drop-off and pick-up finishing, please call us when you arrive in the parking lot. We will come to your car and assist you. Please complete finishing form(s) when dropping off items. We continue to wear masks and use safe distance practices. We ask that you remain in your car and wear a mask during drop-off and pick-up.

If you would like to discuss a project, please contact us by phone or email: (205) 870-5191 & shop@gritsneedlepoint.com. Our phone is a mobile line so texting/photos is an option.

Shipping to our Workroom

To ship your projects to the workroom, use our shipping address, below. Please enclose the finishing form(s) for your project in your package, but do not include credit card information. We will confirm its arrival and request secure payment information over the phone.

Thank you!

Scatter Kindness Everywhere in 2021,

Judith and the Needleworks Staff